+44 (0) 191 268 1332 admin@jhumphrey.co.uk


Welcome to our New Home in South Tyneside

Humphrey M&E Consultants are pleased to advise that following our move in early April, we’re settling in nicely to the new premises in Boldon Business Park.

We project managed various refurbishment works to ensure the new premises met all our operational needs, and now have two floors of high-quality office space in which to serve our many valued clients.

The staggered moves from our old Backworth and Durham Offices went very smoothly, thanks to extensive in-house planning and lots of cooperation from the staff!

Thanks must go to our IT Service provider who did a fantastic job to ensure all IT was up-and-running for great business continuity.

Feel free to pop in and view our new facilities – the kettle is always on!